I can honestly say we can fly, and not just by the seat of our pants, though that is still our primary mode of transportation! I passed my ramp class this past snowy week in Philadelphia with 100% total score! Tomorrow is my first day on the job and my clothes are already laid out:) I was really worried that Marina would be sad that I was gone for 4 days so I spent an inordinate amount of time setting up the webcam before I left (my computer is so old it did not have one built in so I used my old one that was found in a well organized drawer from the days of mom and sister extreme home makeover). I am still finding myself in speechless appreciation! Anyhow, Ms. Marina did just fine and made sure that Tully knew that the tall brown coffee mug was indeed still mine, even if I was not here to utilize it.
Marina is becoming more verbal as the days go by. I heard her say Dada, EAT! today for lunch time and when I got back from Philly she could holler LAY DOWN very clearly and loudly. I had to laugh...knowing those were the first words Tully imported to her with authority. She signs and says I love you (long style, pointing at her eye first). I know she knows what this means because she told Evan this with much joy on her face to be able to let him know and she poked him hard in the chest when she got to "YOU", smiling proudly:) They are settling into a much better routine and they find many more ways to play together than a couple weeks ago when the cain and able phase of sibling joy was in full effect. Marina has learned to cry for things and we thank Evan for that deeply...on that note I feel like we ruined her haha! She does have quite a full rounded flow of emotions and I am actually very happy about that. I was afraid she could not cry when she first came, and that is a scary place to be I think. Time out is still our best weapon against being spit at, and it comes with less frequency now.
School is not exactly what I want it to be for Marina at this point and i have been furiously angling in on some better ideas for Marina. It is ok, but not satisfactory for her, and especially not for me with the crazy schedule she is on. She is there for three whole hours, where she eats lunch and takes a nap...heck we could do that at home and save the gas money! Anyhow when I figure this out better, I will surely post the results of my melted gray matter over this debacle. The teacher is super nice and the school is great, but I do not think it is in Marina's best interest to continue on this learning path.
Tully is still struggling to find work, as the job he was hired for has been put on infinite hold (as in I don't think they were awarded the contract). There are some resets coming up in the near future (next week) that he will take on but January has been tough. Prayers would be in order here if I can ask for them. No work really affects the spirit after a while.
The snow has been amazing this winter as it has already hit the south twice and it is barely mid January! We were given a gorgeous snow suit for Marina from a sweet friend and Marina LOVES that thing. Heck I would too if I were slinging myself down hills of snow! It has been tough finding warm gloves that fit a kid with Down syndrome who has very short little fingers but managed to get some thinsulate mittens on ebay last week, and they finally arrived after the snow. That is what happens in the south with snow and ice, everything screeches to a halt, even snow glove delivery.
I have to add here that Marina who went through BOXES of kleenex when she first arrived has really managed to stay healthy since coming home. Not sure how, since keeping sox on her is virtually impossible and she sneaks out the back door to bring cats in and throw cats out all the time! The kids are asleep napping as I type this long over due mundane update and I am always grateful for that small golden window of quiet time. Marina has adjusted beautifully but if I had a wish list, I wish she was not the first one up every day (sometimes that time of the morning hardly qualifies as DAY time). And if that is my big wish, I would say we are in a very good place right now. It feels safe and warm in our home for the moment, and I think it has taken a long time to get there. Tomorrow would have been Caylyn's 9th birthday and we intend to celebrate it with dinner with a group of parents who happen to be meeting for grief of losing their child...the hospital has begun this group and I just think it would be a fine time to go to a meeting, kids in tow. Marina has a way of keeping the life of Caylyn front and center, as they were cut from the same dough I think...always coming up with a plan to add some gray twinge to the hair follicles. And there is the sense of humor and twinkle in the eyes...even though they are quite different the similarity is an echo of a fine life we lost along the way and struggle to regain. This is where God steps up and gives us extra grace to do crazy things like adopt an unknown child from 6700 miles away, with confidence. God is not a crutch for tough times, He is the heart that keeps beating when our hearts want to quit. I am grateful I know Him in mine because I would not be Marina's mama without Him. And life with her is just better, even when it is harder.
I am excited to post our occasional trips that we will be allowed to journey on this year. While you don't get wealthy working for the airlines, you do fly free domestically:) Gramma Sue, Look out! And Alex, don't think we don't know how to find our way to California...Fuzzy faced Uncle Brad in Boston, Friends in Texas and Erie PA, and of course, family in Colorado...and a certain prayer warrior in Lexington Ky who has a cabin by a creek. Yes, this is gonna be a fine year.
I finally got my blog up for Kathleen and four other children who need families. Please visit findingmissingpieces.blogspot.com If you have any fundraising ideas to help Kathleen find her family, please let me know. I would be glad to help.
Hey, if you get tired of all of those great places, you can always come to Iowa!! Miss you guys!!
ReplyDeleteWhat about London? lol ;)
ReplyDeleteI just love your updates. I love what you said about God not being a crutch. Amen to that. What a blessing you are and HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN to Caylyn. I am guessing Jesus puts on quite the party! :)
LOVE you guys!
Happy Birthday, Caylyn!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I bet she's having the best celebration ever, now that little sister Marina is home at last...
Sure hope you can make that trip to Ky next summer, when the creek is wadeable. The cabin's more accurately a shack, though - hope it withstands this tough winter and doesn't slide down the bank to adorn the waterfalls below. No utilities; you have to ford the creek on foot to get in; there's only an "indoor-outhouse" - and the only running water's in the creek. But I love it...and if you make it up my way, we'll surely have a picnic/wading party/outing! Bring your wellies!
S. in Ky.
So glad things are going well. Looks like you guys are just loving life. Congrats on passing your test :)