Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 8 of the wait...

I have come to update several times but the mini computer has conflicted with the free wifi here at the mall so today I lugged the big 8 pounder over to the mall so maybe I can get lucky and upload a video. That is my personal challenge at this point, to get a video of how dadgum cute Marina is while she jabbers away in russian. I had originally abandoned the idea of the video but our housemate Mel managed to get one uploaded so I have a renewed competitive interest in doing so now:)

Our ten day wait expires on Sunday but since the ten day wait covers two weekends we may have to manage to wait until tuesday for it to be official. This will seriously throw off the time line of breaking the kid out of the orphanage on wednesday and will update for sure when we know. This is a government requirement to wait ten days to see if anyone steps up and claims the child. Interestingly enough, this information is not posted anywhere for anyone to actually know about to my knowledge. I am grateful for the ten day wait as we have been able to get to know her so much better and for her sake I think it has been good too. She is beginning to really grasp that we belong to her now. Marina did sign MORE yesterday and would sing the pledge of allegiance if she thought it would get her more sweet green grapes! She is heavily addicted to them and has learned they always come in the green ingles shopping bag when we arrive to play with her.

Oh wow. I just got a phone call from our facilitator and we will get to take Marina out of the orphanage on the 16th of November which is a tuesday...we may get her monday the day before but will likely leave this region on that tuesday and head back to Kiev for her medical check up and embassy appointments. I was hoping to have her at least one night before we go to Kiev in case I have any questions I can ask the orphanage before we leave but the recommendation has been to leave little Marina in the orphanage for as long as possible to minimize the possiblity of her getting sick from the change in foods outside the orphanage. At least two families have had this happen here recently and it is extremely difficult to find a doctor who will see a child with down syndrome. (Socialized medicine is not always social). So that puts us in Kiev around the 16th or 17th of November and then home a few days or so after that. I try not to make plans since they do not materialize in the order I dream them up. I revisited our journey to Belize and then before that with Caylyn and realize that the concept of being flexible is critical to survival.

Tully is getting a sinus infection and he and Evan are taking a nap for now. Last evening Evan was still asleep as Tully and I left for the orphanage so Mel agreed to watch him until he woke up. He was still asleep when we got back at 6:30!! Dinner was even already ready!! (Love having Mel at home:) Anyhow Marina was beyond crazed that we had the audacity to leave Evan somewhere she could not see him. We played outside and she called him and called him. I have no idea WHAT she called him but it was soooo sweet to hear the tone in her voice. Occasionally she would holler WOOK! at the gate when someone came through and she would think it was Evan. It was neat that she missed him:).
I am attempting to upload a video of Marina playing in the mirror of the lobby of the orphanage where we play if we are stuck inside. She had also just gotten some new clothes which is guaranteed to send her over the edge with glee, that kid just loves having her own things. She wears the little pink boots we bought her here in Dnip to the point that 1) I can't believe we did not buy black ones, and b) we will have to go back and get another pair! Maybe we will get the black ones:)

So Mel and I just did the math and it is going to be 19 days after court before we get to spring the kids...we are both kind of stunned but it is what it is, and we will have our band of merry US to get us through this. I know all in God's time but that does not make it less complicated to be gone from home for so long. I am very grateful for her friendship and the fact that we are able to have access to all the luxuries we do. And mostly for laughter. And the therapy of getting to be homesick and share it with someone who is really clear on the battle-journey right now. Please pray that we do ok with the wait. We seem to be protected but our hearts are getting weary. Thanks for keeping up with us.


  1. Tis so sweet to see her smiling and laughing!! The transformation from orphan to daughter is enough to make me into a puddle of tears on the floor!!

    Glad you have a friend to share this time with. I KNOW the wait is long - bummer that you can't get her before the 16th... Sigh and Sigh - but you will be home for Turkey day!! I'm still wearing my braclet and smiling and praying for you guys.

  2. Oh, she is just beautiful and reminds me so much of my little character, Grace! Thank you for sharing a made my day!

  3. Such a cute video!!! Hopefully we can all meet up in Kiev. We had court a day after you and Mel did!

  4. She is wonderful. I am so happy for you guys. We can't wait to meet her. Congratulations - it's been a really long journey, but looks like at least this part is nearing an end! much love, Marta

  5. So cute! I love the butt slappin' at the beginning :-)

  6. I'm wearing TWO bracelets! I don't understand the 19 days, but admire your philosophical outlook. Marina is such a cutie-pie - she's well-aware that she's being silly in the video! Is it "bye-bye" or "papa" that she's saying as she exits? I think "la-la" is Russian baby talk for "baby", but may be mistaken...
    Hope Tully's better soon...hugs to Evan and Marina!

    Susan in Ky

  7. I am so glad your wait is almost up. Can't wait for you guys to get home with your sweet girl. Milana can't wait to meet her new friend :) (I can't wait either)!
